Monday, 23 March 2015


Since the visit to the studio I've been working on how the mirror will interact with its users in the scene. At the moment, the adverts slide into view when a character approaches the mirror, which can then de rescaled and navigated with gesture controls.

To achieve this effect I've created a separate composition with all the content lined up, then masked it all into a circular shape that will fit the mirror. The adverts have a small animation upon entry, just to add some visual dynamics.

Here you can see before and after the mask 'add' effect was used. 

Once that was done, I took the composition into the apartment scene, tracked the camera movement to a null object, parented the adverts to the null, adjusted the position so that the adverts fitted the mirror and then rendered a short preview.

Later in the scene the character interacts with the mirror, and this is something that will take some fine tuning to ensure that the interaction matches the animation that I will be providing.

These shots show the animation entering the mirror.

Watch a short example of the mirror in action below:

The next step is to apply this effect, and the frames I currently have to all appropriate scenes. 

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